INFO: setup Package: app-admin/awscli-1.32.62:0 Repository: gentoo Maintainer: USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux python_targets_python3_10 python_targets_python3_11 python_targets_python3_12 FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox INFO: prepare Build system packages: dev-python/gpep517 : 15 dev-python/installer : 0.7.0 dev-python/setuptools : 69.2.0 dev-python/setuptools-rust : 1.9.0 dev-python/setuptools-scm : 8.0.4 dev-python/wheel : 0.43.0 INFO: compile python3_10: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_compile Building the wheel for aws-cli-1.32.62 via setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__ Installing awscli-1.32.62-py3-none-any.whl to /var/tmp/portage/app-admin/awscli-1.32.62/work/aws-cli-1.32.62-python3_10/install python3_11: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_compile Building the wheel for aws-cli-1.32.62 via setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__ Installing awscli-1.32.62-py3-none-any.whl to /var/tmp/portage/app-admin/awscli-1.32.62/work/aws-cli-1.32.62-python3_11/install python3_12: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_compile Building the wheel for aws-cli-1.32.62 via setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__ Installing awscli-1.32.62-py3-none-any.whl to /var/tmp/portage/app-admin/awscli-1.32.62/work/aws-cli-1.32.62-python3_12/install INFO: test Skipping make test/check due to ebuild restriction. QA: install QA Notice: setuptools warnings detected: Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.accessanalyzer' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.acm' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.alexaforbusiness' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.apigateway' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.apigatewaymanagementapi' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.apigatewayv2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.appconfig' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.appmesh' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.apprunner' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.athena' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.autoscaling' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.backup' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.batch' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.budgets' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ce' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.chime' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloud9' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudcontrol' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudformation' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudformation.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudfront' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudsearchdomain' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudtrail' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cloudwatch' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.codeartifact' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.codebuild' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.codecommit' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.codepipeline' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.codestar' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.comprehend' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.comprehendmedical' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.configservice' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.configure' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.configure.get' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.configure.set' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.connect' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.cur' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.datapipeline' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.datasync' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dax' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.deploy' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.deploy.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.detective' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.devicefarm' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.directconnect' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.discovery' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dlm' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dms' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.docdb' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.docdb.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ds' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dynamodb' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dynamodb.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.dynamodbstreams' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ec2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ec2.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ecr' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ecs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ecs.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.efs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.eks' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elasticache' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elasticbeanstalk' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elastictranscoder' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elb' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elb.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elbv2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.elbv2.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.emr' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.firehose' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.fis' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.fms' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.gamelift' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.glacier' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.glacier.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.globalaccelerator' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.glue' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.grafana' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.greengrass' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.greengrassv2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.guardduty' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.healthlake' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iam' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iam.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.imagebuilder' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.importexport' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.inspector' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iot' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotanalytics' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotdeviceadvisor' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotevents' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotsitewise' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotsitewise.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotthingsgraph' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.iotwireless' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ivs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ivschat' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.kafka' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.kinesis' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.kms' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.lakeformation' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.lambda' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.lightsail' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.logs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.macie2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.mediaconnect' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.mediaconvert' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.medialive' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.mediapackage' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.mediastore' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.mediatailor' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.memorydb' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.networkmanager' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.nimble' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.omics' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.opsworks' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.opsworkscm' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.organizations' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.outposts' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.pi' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.pinpoint' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.polly' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.pricing' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.proton' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.qldb' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ram' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.rds' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.redshift' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.redshift.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.rekognition' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.resourcegroupstaggingapi' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.robomaker' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.route53' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.route53domains' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.route53resolver' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.s3' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.s3api' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.s3api.wait' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.s3control' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.secretsmanager' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.securityhub' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.serverlessrepo' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.servicecatalog' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.servicediscovery' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.shield' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.signer' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.snowball' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.sns' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.sqs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.ssm' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.storagegateway' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.sts' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package '' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.swf' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.textract' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.transcribe' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.translate' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.trustedadvisor' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.verifiedpermissions' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.waf' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.wafv2' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.workdocs' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.workmail' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.workmailmessageflow' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.workspaces' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.examples.xray' is absent from the `packages` configuration. Package 'awscli.topics' is absent from the `packages` configuration. INFO: install python3_10: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_install python3_11: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_install python3_12: running distutils-r1_run_phase distutils-r1_python_install Using python3.12 in global scope python3_12: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_install_all Final size of build directory: 146912 KiB (143.4 MiB) Final size of installed tree: 96412 KiB ( 94.1 MiB) INFO: other Verifying compiled files for python3.10 Verifying compiled files for python3.11 Verifying compiled files for python3.12