INFO: setup Package: media-tv/plex-media-server- Repository: gentoo Maintainer: USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox INFO: prepare Applying plex-media-server.service.patch ... INFO: install Final size of build directory: 211356 KiB (206.4 MiB) Final size of installed tree: 211376 KiB (206.4 MiB) LOG: postinst Plex Media Server is now installed. Please check the configuration file. It can be found in /etc/plex/plexmediaserver to verify the default settings. Adjust thread counts and memory usage limits for best performance. To start the Plex Server, run 'rc-config start plex-media-server' You will then be able to access your library at http://localhost:32400/manage If installing on a remote host you will need to use a ssh tunnel eg, 'ssh ip.address.of.server -L 8888:localhost:32400' then open the folowing in a local browser 'http://localhost:8888/web' to claim the remote server. (Note: Above message is only printed the first time package is installed. Please look at /usr/share/doc/plex-media-server-* for future reference) INFO: postinst WARN: postinst IMPORTANT: This version makes changes to the database which will require 1.31.2 or higher to start Please also be patient when updating to this version, initial run may take time as database is upgraded Full release announcement, including instructions for rollback: