INFO: setup Package: app-shells/bash-5.2_p26-r5:0 Repository: gentoo USE: nls net readline amd64 abi_x86_64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux FEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox WARN: postinst Files situated under /etc/bash/bashrc.d must now have a suffix of .sh or .bash. Gentoo now defaults to defining PROMPT_COMMAND as an array. Depending on the characteristics of the operating environment, this array may contain commands to set the window and pane title. Users that choose to customise this variable in ~/.bashrc are advised to append their commands, using the following syntax. PROMPT_COMMAND+=('custom command goes here') Alternatively, users that wish to opt out of Gentoo's window title setting behaviour may now do so by either unsetting PROMPT_COMMAND or by re-defining it as desired. Previously, there was no formally supported method of opting out.